A. Background
Man in all his life can hardly be separated from the communication event.
In the human communication requires a means to express ideas, ideas, content of
thought, purpose, reality, and so on. Means the most important and vital is to
meet those needs is the language. Thus the most important function of language
is a means of communication. Every member of the community and konunitas always
involved in language communication, either he acts as a communicator (speaker
or writer) as well as the communicant (talk partners, penyimak, listeners, or
readers) (Sumarlam, 2005: 1). Java language is part of the language of the
archipelago and includes the Austronesian languages that exist in this world.
In linear Java language has a long history, the use of a vast area and number
of speakers are many, as the existing Java (Wakit Abdullah and Sri Lestari
Hand, 2007: 11). Java language is used in several regions in Indonesia,
especially in Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta, and some areas in West Java,
as well as overseas.
In the context of projections of human life, the language used is always unique
and has a separate game rules. For that, there are many games in the language
of human life, even can be said to be limited, and the level of language games
with each other can not be dintentukan with a general regulation. However,
although there are differences sometimes there is a similarity, and it is
difficult to definitively determined and definite. Although people do not know
exactly a particular language game, but he knows what to do in a game.
Therefore, to reveal the nature of language in human life can be implemented by
a description and give examples of human life which are used differently.
Some people argue that the language as something we do for others, a game of
verbal symbols that are based with a sense of our senses (imaging). As a
mediation system, the language does not only describe the human perspective on
the world and its conception, but also form a vision of reality. This, knitting
on the idea that by describing the language as an incarnation of thought and
feeling, which is the human mind, then it's got a sense of language is much
higher than the system sounds or phonemes. Indonesia has
many diverse cultures, between cultures with one another, one of the means to
communicate with language. Against groups, now has become essential to the
existence of cross-cultural contact, but it is assumed that the communication
was very difficult antabudaya. This is because if the language as the sound
system failed to settle in the pockets of culture, then masyarakatpun fail to
understand and be understood in the context of intercultural communication.
From the above statement can dirtarik conclusion that language is a tool to
hold against other human interaction. So that language can not be separated by
humans. With the presence of our language we can relate to other communities
that eventually gave birth to communication within the community. In community
life functions traditionally language can be said as a means of verbal
communication used by people to communicate. However, the function of language
is not merely as a means of communication. For sociolinguistic concept language
is a tool that works convey the mind alone is considered too narrow (Abdul
Chaer, 2004: 15). If in a society composed of various regions and language
mastery depending perbeda will create a unique language, especially if a group
is a user community of more than one language (multi-lingual) will arise mixing
languages or often called mixed code and over the previous kode.Penelitian of
speech level Java language, code switching, code interference among other study
done by: (1) the minister, (2) Siti Zuhriyah, (3) Arisanti Suwarso.
Mulyani in the thesis at the University of March Surakarta with the title
of code and mixed code in teaching and learning activities in modern pesanttren
"Arrisalah" Ponorogo (study Sociolinguistics). This study displays
the data transfer code and Campu kodebahasa Indonesia kebahasa English, Arabic,
and kebahasa Java. In reviewing her analisinya (1) The form of code found in
the teaching and learning activities in the classroom, in the modern pesantren
"Arrisalah" and when they appear. (2) Mix the code found in the
teaching and learning activities. (3) The determinants of events over the code
and mixed code. Perolehdari conclusions in these studies (1) occurred over code
from Indonesian into English, Arabic, and Java. (2) the activities of code
appears in the teaching and learning activities at the beginning (include:
greetings, scolds, greetings, and provide motivation), core activities
(include; provide explanations, responding to the understanding of students,
and menerik conclusion lesson topics), the final activity ( include; closing
lesson, greetings, and motivation). (3) There was a mix-code to the outside
(counter code mixing) and mixed-code into the (inner code mixing) of the base
language (basic language), Indonesian. (5) The form of intervention in the form
of insertion of code words, phrases, idioms or phrases, repeated words, and
clauses between Indonesian to English, Arabic, and Java.
The use of Java language in Ludruk (review sociolinguistics) (1986) by Siti
Zuhriyah, which menbahas about aspects of language that is over the code,
interference language, slang, undha rafter, vocabulary, pronunciation, and
tenses. Pembahasanya the core of the Java language study in Ludruk have
differences with the standard language in terms of word pronunciation, word
forms, and vocabulary as well as many ditemukanya of code, Indonesian
interference, the use of slang, and use of a variety of manners village. Thesis
with the title Java Language Study Ketandan Village North Klaten sub-district
(an overview of sociolinguistics) (2001) by Arisanti Suwarso. In the thesis
examines the shape of the Java language and the Java language variety used by
villagers Ketandan, North Klaten village. One of the factors that determine the
use of the Java language diversity Ketandan villagers. The use of the Java
language in the area use the type of discourse based pemaparanya. Covering
historical discourse and discourse exposition. Level diguakan said that the
society is (1) speakers, (2) the hearer, (3) the situation said, (4) the purpose
of speech, (5) it spoken. Looking at previous research on
top researchers interested in one of the user community as more than one
language is a boarding school or educational institution is more popularly
known as the Boarding School (hereinafter referred to as: Boarding School).
Especially Ponpes in Tenggah Java, Yogyakarta and East Java. Surakarta which is
one area that many educational institutions Ponpes. More specifically Boyolali
is part of Surakarta having Islamic boarding school education institutions that
until now there are even growing their education system. One District of
Boyolali who have educational institutions Boarding School District of Simo,
Gunungmadu village. The agency benama Ponpes Darusy Shahadah (hereinafter
abbreviated: PDS). Common language used in the PDS is Indonesian, Arabic, and
English, while the Java language is not used in the activity in the PDS, but in
dealing with the public about boarding school, frequently used Java language
and plays an important role in the achievement of a good communication.
Geographically, the boarding school in the countryside so mastarakat
belokasi around the Java language users. In communicating with the surrounding
community, students PDS using several languages one satunnya is Javanese,
Indonesian, and some English. Thus, in communication with the community,
students PDS using multiple languages simultaneously, resulting in no mixing
of communicating the language used.
Looking at the above mentioned fact, if some of the language used to
communicate with the public then there will be mixing the language or languages
use more than one. The researcher considers that the object according to the
field of linguistics, especially in the study of sociolinguistics, the study
uses the title of the Java Language Usage by Students Boarding Darusy Shahadah
Gunung Madu, Simo, Boyolali. The study was to examine the use of the Java
language by sanri PDS with sociolinguistic study.
B. Restrictions Problem
This research specializes in the use of the Java language by students Ponpes
Darusy Shahadah, which is to determine the diversity of languages, alihkode
mixed code, interference, as well as the choice of words to communicate,
especially to communicate in society.
C. Problem Formulation
Based on the background and restriction problem has been stated above, this
research proposes three issues, namely.
1. What kind of language use by students Ponpes Darusy Shahada? (This formula
includes a variety of languages, code switching, mix code and interference).
2. What are the factors behind the use of the Java language by students Ponpes
Darusy Shahada? (It examines the components of said formulation contained in
said event).
3. What is the function of the Java language use by students Ponpes Darusy
Shahada? (This formula discusses the function, a variety of language, code
switching, mixed code, and interference).
D. Objective
The objective is to study the
language experts as possible about everything that systematic use of language
(Uhlenbeck, 1982: 15). The goal of this research is
1. Describe the form of various
languages by students Ponpes Darusy Shahadah includes a variety of language,
code switching, code interference and interference.
2. Determine what factors are the background for the use of the Java language
Ponpes Darusy Shahadah.
3. Describe the function of the Java language use by Students Ponpes Darusy
E. Benefits Research
The benefits derived from the
research was to describe the value and quality of research. Adapaun benefits of
this research conducted is expected to benefit both theoretically and
1. Theoretical Benefits
Theoretically, this research can
contribute on Sociolinguistics in general, and clarify the language study in
particular. Especially write your understanding and knowledge of the form of
code, code interference, and interference by students in oral communication.
2. Practical Benefits
a. For researchers, is expected to provide information about code switching,
mixed code, and interference in a sociolinguistic view. And can be used as a
reference for subsequent research.
b. For the community, this research can help inform the language and know how
to use the Java language by students in communicating with the public.
F. Systematics
In connection with the writing of
research, writing sestematika this study includes five chapters. Of the five
chapters can be described as follows:
Chapter I Introduction. Her
background includes problem, problem definition, problem formulation, research
objectives, and benefits of the research.
Chapter II Platform Theory. Outlined
on the understanding sociolinguistics, language communities, language
variation, language contact, bilingualism, diglossia, tututr level Java
language, said components, and boarding school.
Chapter III Research Methods.
This chapter contains the location type of research, data, sumberdata,
population, sample, research tools, data collection methods, the method of data
presentation, the presentation of the results of data analysis methods.
Chapter IV Results and Discussion Data Analysis. This chapter is the result of
the analysis of all the data regarding the use of the Java language by DS
Village Boarding School Pupils Gunungmadu, Kedunglengkong, Simo, Boyolali
Chapter V Conclusion. This chapter is the final part containing conclusions
and suggestions.
G. Framework
In sederharna frameworks can be
described as follows:
1. Pesantren DS is a form of language user community (in this case students)
who was a student in the PDS as the mastery of which have more than two
languages, so that the PDS is one form of multi-lingual society.
2. Activity Ta'lim the formal activities of the PDS and routine.
3. In the course of events oral
communication Tak'lim formal, non-formal PDS performed by students and the
4. Pupils PDS is a community that largely has the ability to use and master
more than two languages (multi-lingual).
5. In conducting Ta'lim students and community utilizing code or language
choice so that communication can be beneficial to the interests baersama.
6. The form of code, code interference, interference, speech level is
influenced by the knowledge that is controlled by the students and the
community when they communicate. When the speakers are in a domain context of a
situation which corresponds to the demands of meaning and context.
7. To know the meaning and context of the events over the code, mixed code,
interverensi, and speech levels need to be found also prominent factors that
affect these events, as well as components of speech.
A. Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistic understanding of various experts are not much different
languages, among which are according to Abdul Chaer: sociolinguistics is a
branch of science interdisciplinary linguists with sociology, with the object
of study the relationship between language with social factors in the speech
community (Abdul Chaer, 2004: 4) . Sociolinguistics in the opinion of others is
an interdisciplinary study that studied the influence of culture on the way a
language is used. In this case the language is closely related to the people of
an area as subjects or actors speak as a means of communication and interaction
between the groups with each other. Sociolinguistics as a branch of
linguistics look or put position in relation to language speakers in the community,
as in social life no longer as individuals, but as a social community.
Therefore, everything that is done in spoken man will always be influenced by
the circumstances surrounding. Concluded by I Dewa Putu Wijana and Muhammad
Rohadi that (2006: 7) Sociolinguistics as an interdisciplinary science that
work on issues of language in relation to social factors, situational, and
B. Language Society
In the dictionary language linguistic communities (speech community) is a
group of people who feel they have a common language or who feel included in
the group, or who hold the same standard language (Harimurti Krida like, 2001:
134). I Dewa Putu Wijana and muhammad Rohadadi (2006: 46) refer to a language
community with the term speech community. They argued that the speech community
is a group of people in a broad or narrow scope that interact with specific
language that can be distinguished with other communities on the basis of
language differences are significant.
Language Society (Speech Community) according to experts, among others, John
Gumperz (1968) Community language is a nation, society subregion, the
association group of people in a job, or a location that characterizes gang
peculiarity language. Dell Hymes (1972/1973) Community languages are all
members of society are not only using the same rules together in speech, but
also to use at least one language variation. Glyn Williams (1992) Language
Society is a group of individuals in interaction. Bernard Spolski (2003)
Community languages are all people who use the language with pronunciation
and grammar are the same or different.
In sociolinguistic Dell Hymes not explicitly distinguish between language
as a system and said as skill. Both are referred to as communicative ability
(communicative competence). Communicative capabilities include language skills
possessed by the speakers along with the appropriate language skills to
express. functions and settings and usage in the context of social norms. Communicative ability of the individual or group is called verbal
repertoire. Verbal repertoire can be grouped into two, namely the verbal
repertoire of the individual and community owned. If a community has a verbal
repertoire relatively similar and have the same assessment of the use of the language
used in the community as the community language. Based on the verbal repertoire
owned by the community, the community is divided into three languages, namely
(1) Community monolingual (one language), (2) public bilingual (bilingual), (3)
a multilingual society (more than 2 languages).
C. Variation Language / Language Variety
Variation or diversity of languages is the principal language in
sociolinguistic studies (Abdul Chaer, 2004: 5). As a language langue have
systems and sub-systems that are understood by all speakers of the language.
However, because of their speakers, despite being in a speech community is not
a homogenous group of people, it is a form of language that kongret called
parole, becomes non-uniform. So that the language be varied, the diversity or
kevariasian this language is not only caused by the speakers that are not
homogeneous, but also because of the social interaction activities that they do
very diverse. In case variasa or language diversity are two views. First,
variation or diversity of languages was seen as a result of the social
diversity and diversity of native speakers of the language function. Second,
variation or diversity of languages that already exist to fulfill its
function as a means of interaction in diverse community activities. Or in other
words, the variation first language speakers and distinguished by its users.
Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina (2004: 62) classify the varieties of the
language as follows.
1. Variation of the Triangle Speakers
First, variation in terms of
speakers is Idiolect, which are individual variations in language. This is due
to the voice, word choice, style, and sentence structure. Second, language
dialect that is a variation of a group of speakers who are relatively, which is
at a place, region, or a particular area. Third, Kronolek or dialect temporal
variations of the language that is used by a particular social group in the
future. Fourth, Sociolect or social dialect is a language variation with
respect to the status, class, and social class speakers. In connection with
language variation with respect to the level, class status, and social class
are usually presented the variation of a language called akrolek, basilek,
vulgar, slang, kolokial, jargon, argot and ken. Adajuga who called with slang.
2. Variation of Segi Use
Language variation with respect
to its use, the wearer, or function called fungsiolek (Nababan: 1984, in Abdul
Chaer: 2004), the variety or register. This variation is usually discussed
based on the field of use, style, or the level of formality, and means of use.
This variation concerns the language that is used for what. For example in the
fields of religion, education and the like.
3. Variation of the aspect of formality
Based formality, (Martin Joos: 1967,
in Abdul Chaer: 2004) divides into five different language styles (hereinafter
referred to as variance), which is the style or variety of frozen (frozen),
style or variety of official (formal), style or variety of businesses
(konsulatif ). Casual style or variety (casual), and the style or variety of
familiar (intimate).
a. Variety frozen
Frozen Variety is the most formal language variation, which is used in a solemn
situation, and official ceremonies. For example, in a sermon at a mosque, a state
ceremony, and the like.
b. Official Variety
Variety is the variation of
official or formal language used in his official speech, official meetings,
correspondence offices, religious lectures, textbooks and the like.
c. A wide variety of businesses or konsulatif
Diversification is a variation of
a common language used in school talks, meetings or conversations that result
oriented or production. Or in other words this is a wide variety of the most
operational language. This form is between a wide variety of formal and informal
d. Variety of casual or casual diversity
Variety relaxed is fariasi
language used in informal situations to talk. The relaxed shape much using
allegro form, namely the form of words or utterances in cut. The vocabulary is
filled with many dialects lexical elements and elements of the local language,
as well as morphological and syntactic structure of the normative is not used.
e. Variety familiar or variety imtimate
Variety familiar is a variation
of the language used by the speakers who hubunganya already familiar, like
friends who are already familiar. Variety is characterized by the use of
language that is incomplete, short, and with no clear articulation. This
happens because of the existing participants understanding and have the same
1. Variation of Segi Means
Language variation can also be
seen in terms of the means or track use. In this case can be referred to the
existence of a wide variety of oral and written language or too wide in the use
of certain means or tools, such as language in the phone or in the language of
SMS (short massage service) data transmission services via mobile phones. The
existence of this diversity of languages have a form or structure that is not
the same. Inequality form this structure because the spoken language or in
conveying information orally, we are aided by elements nonsegmental or
nonlinguistic elements in the form of a tone or sound gestures tanggan and a
number of other symptoms, but in the case of written language does not exist
and expressed by the verb.
2. Contact Language
In masyarakatn social, community
means that its members can receive masyarykat arrival of other members, either
from one or more of the public will be in contact language (Abdul Chaer, 1984:
65). Contact languages are forms that may not conform to the standards
prevailing in the society which is in contact language. Indonesian course has a
special character because he is rooted in the local ethnic tradition that was
later modified and adopted into the language of unity which serves as an
adhesive ethnic diversity. Indonesian is flexible and is evident in the various
dialects example Indonesian dialect, the dialect of Banyumas, dialect
Surakarta, Yogyakarta dialect, the dialect of South Sulawesi, Palembang
dialect, the dialect of Papua and so forth, and according to the Chaer Saussure
(2004), it is parole aspect of language. Of language contact will denagn use
the bilingual causing code switching, mixed code, and interverensi.
3. Transfer Code
According to Appel (1976: 79) in
Abdul Chaer (2004: 114) defines as a symptom of code switching languages as
the situation changes. But according to Dell Hymes, in Kunjana Rahardi (2001:
20) states that over the code not only occur between languages, but can also
occur between a wide-variety or different styles in a language. Abapila person
communicates initially using the Java language, then switch using Indonesian
language support, or changing from a wide range of relaxing into a formal or
kebalikanya, then transition the use of language as it is called over a code
(code switching) in sociolinguistics events rather than tangible bias code
variants, rather variety or style rather than a register (Soewito damam Kunjana
Rahardi, 1983: 67).
Meanwhile, in the opinion of Abdul Chaer Soewito (2004: 144) over the code
consists of two, ie over the internal code and external code switching. The
mean over the internal code is a code that lasted over an own language, such as
the Indonesian to the Java language, or vice versa. While the external code
switching occurs between languages themselves with a foreign language.
4. Mix Code
Almost ambiguous understanding of
code and mixed code, the similarities that exist between the control code and
mixed code is the use of two languages or more, or two variants of a language
in a speech community. A wide variety of opinions on the value of both however,
clear that in any language or code switching diversity of languages used it
still has the autonomic functions of each, done consciously, deliberately with
specific causes.
According Thender (1976) as cited by Abdul Chaer (2004: 115) in distinguishing
interfering with the code if the code switching in a speech event occurs
transition from one another kebahasa clause language, then the event is over
the code. But in a speech event, clauses and phrases used consisted of a
mixture clausa and phrases (Clases hybrid, hybrid phalase), and each clause or
phrase that no longer support its own function, then the event is an event mixed
code. Fasold, in Abdul Chaer (2004: 115) offers a grammatical criteria to
distinguish mixed code of code switching. If someone uses a word or phrase from
one language, she has been doing mixed code. But if the clause clearly have the
grammatical structure of the language, and the next clause drafted clause with
another language, then the event is over the code.
5. Interference
Interference term was first used
by Weinreich (1953) in Abdul Chaer (2004: 120) to describe the change in the
system of a language in relation to the contiguity of these languages with
elements of other languages made by speakers who are bilingual. Bilingual
speakers are speakers who use the two languages interchangeably, and
multi-lingual speakers, the user community languages interchangeably.
6. Bilingualism
The term bilingualism (English:
bilingualism) in Indonesian is also called kedwibahasaan. Literally
bilingualism is the use of two languages or two of code language.
Bilingualism is defined as the use of two languages by a speaker in
pergaulanya with others in turn (Abdul Chaer 2004: 84). Blomfield opinion about
bilingualism, ie the ability of a speaker to use two languages equally well,
master two languages, means mastering two code systems (Blomfield in Abdul
Chaer, 1933: 87). Other experts argue that bilingualism is the practice of the use of
language in turn, from the language kebahasa one another, by a speaker (Mackey
in Abdul Chaer 2004: 87). Substitution background in language usage and is
determined by the circumstances faced by the speakers in speech acts
(bdk.Sumarsono in Kunjana Rahardi, 2001: 14). Macnamara, as quoted by Kunjana
Rahardi (2001: 14), says that limit ownership bilingualism mastery (mastery)
over at least a first language and second language.
7. Diglossia
Ferguson uses the term diglossia
to declare a state of a society in which there are two variations of a language
that coexist and each has a specific role (in Abdul Chaer Ferguson, 2004: 92).
According to Ferguson in diglosis society, there are two variations of the
language: The first variation is called a high dialect (abbreviated as T
dialect or variety of T), and the second is called a low dialect (abbreviated
dialect R or variance R). According to Fishman as quoted by Kunjana Rahardi
(2001: 14), see diglossia as the difference of functions, ranging from a
stylistic differences in language to the difference in the function of two
different languages that exist between dialects, registers, or fariasi
language functional.
Fasold, in (Abdul Chaer, 2004:
98) the concept of diglossia developed into what is called a broad diglossia
(broad diglossia). In the broad concept of diglossia difference not only
between two languages or two varieties or dialects are also two binary, but
can be more than two languages or two dialects it. Thus including also the
state of society in which there are different levels of language function, so
comes the so-called by Fasold double diglossia in a form called the double
overlapping diglossia is the situation differentiation degree and function in
multiple languages, double-nested diglossia is a state in society
multi-lingual, where there are two languages be distinguished: one as T and
other language as the language of R, and linear polyglosia multi lingual society
where there is a language that has two positions.
8. Level Java Language Speech
When someone berbicaara in
addition to the rules of the language, also must pay attention to who the
person to talk to. Talking with parents is different from talking to the child
or the lifetime. Speech level is sisitem diversity of languages according to
the relationship between the speaker, roughly of the form ngoko, middle and
manners (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 1993: 223). Sry satriya Tjatur Sasangka (1997:
1) using the upload-ungguh using the term to refer to the term language speech
level language used by Harimurti Krida Lieu. Likewise Aryo Ben Setiyanto (2007:
26) calls the Java language speech level with term-ungguhing upload bases.
In Parama Literature Java Language Java language speech level is basically
divided into three, namely ngoko, middle, and manners. Besides the Palace /
Kedhaton using Kedhatonatau language often called bagongan language, so the
speech level Java language can be divided into four sections, namely ngoko,
middle, manners, and Kedhaton. Ngoko divided into two, (1) ngoko innocent, (2)
ngoko andhap. Associate divided into three, (1) middle ngoko, (2) middle
manners, and (3) madyaantara. Krama is divided into five, namely (1) mudha
manners, (2) kramantara, (3) nursing manners, (4) inggil manners, and (5)
village manners. Kedhaton language is not shared, but only referred to the
language bagongan (Aryo Ben Setiyanto, 2007: 26).
Karti Bases in Sry satriya Tjatur Vishnu Sasangka (2007: 12-13) called the Java
language that speech acts with the term undha-rafter Java language consists of
(1) ngoko, (2) medium, (3) manners, (4) karama inggil , (5) Kedhaton, (6)
village manners, and (7) rough. Ngoko speech level is divided into two, namely
ngoko innocent and ngoko andhap. Ngoko Andap distinguished into two, namely
ngoko antyabasa and basaantya. Said intermediate level to differentiate into
three, namely (1) middle ngoko, (2) madyaantara, and (3) middle manners. Also
Krama speech level differentiated into three, namely (1) mudha karama, (2)
sunken between, and (3) nursing karama.
Speech level Java language prepared by Supomo Poedjo Soedarmo et al. (1979)
mentioned that the speech level Java language consists of three kinds, namely,
(1) the language ngoko comprising Antya language, Antya language. Poerbatjaraka
in Sry satriya Tjatur Vishnu Sasangka (2007: 17) argues that the Java language
tingka said in principle consists of only four types, namely ngoko, manners,
ngoko manners, and manners ngoko. as well as with Hadiwijana, speech level Java
menbagi become standard alkaline, alkaline manners, alkaline medium, and
language hurmat. Sudaryanto also divide speech into four levels, namely, ngoko,
manners Alus, karama, and manners Alus.
Eko Wardono in Sry satriya Tjatur Vishnu Sasangka (2007: 18) classifies speech
level Java language into two ngoko and manners. If the speech level ngoko plus
inggil manners, speech level will be ngoko Alus. If the level of said manners
plus inggil manners, speech level will be inggil manners, speech level is only
a ngoko naive or innocent manners. So there are similarities between the
opinions Sudaryanto with Eko Wardonono.
Based on the description above said level Java language consists only of two
forms, shapes and forms ngoko manners. That's because not all forms of ngoko
always have to have the equivalent of intermediate forms and shapes manners
(Purwo term) or do not always have equivalent forms and manners ngoko alus alus
(Sudaryanto term), or do not always have the equivalent form ngoko naive and
innocent manners. However, any form ngoko certainly has the equivalent form of
manners, and vice versa, every form of manners always have the equivalent form
a. Variety Ngoko
What is meant by diversity ngoko
is ungguh upload-form the core of the Java language lexicon ngoko, or that the
core range of ngoko is not a lexicon lexicon ngoko others. Speech level is the
level of courtesy menunjukkana said that low. Usually used by people who are
already familiar or addressees higher social position with a lower hearer.
Affixes that appear in this variety are all shaped ngoko (eg, Afik di-, and
ake). Variety ngoko commonly used by people who said a higher level of social
status, the higher the level of age, and those who are already familiar. In
this diversity there are two forms of variants, namely ngoko innocent and ngoko
Alus. Ngoko innocent, all the words in
this level ngoko shape and neutralØ (ngoko lexicon
and the lexicon neutral) without any other lexicon (lexicon manners, manners
inggil, manners Andap).
Ø Ngoko Alus, mixing lexicon ngoko, neutral and manners (ingil manners or
etiquette Andap) but is the dominant ngoko lexicon, the lexicon manners (inggil
manners or etiquette Andap) that appear in this variety is only used as
penghormat hearer (O2 or O3) . (Sri satriya Tjatur Wicaksana, 2007: 103).
b. Variety Krama
Tututr level of manners, a
variety of Java language or speech level that core lexicon lexicon manners
another month. Afik which often appear in this diversity is shaped Afik karama
(eg, dipun-, -ipun, and -ake). Variety manners reflect a sense of decorum. Used
by people who do not know or addressees lower social status level to a higher
social level or younger speakers of hearer. Ramam karama has two variants,
namely, simple manners and etiquette is different alus.varian ethically, but
differ EMIC.
Krama innocent, all the words in this
level form of manners, thoughØ so that became
the core lexicon is in the range of simple manners are manners, middle, and /
or neutral while inggilatau manners manners Andap that appear in this variety
is only used to respect the other person.
Krama Alus, a mixture of manners and
ngoko lexicon, but it is the dominant leksikonkrama. In sederharna
can be described as follows:
Said level Java language ngoko manners ngoko innocent innocent manners manners ngoko Alus Alus ngoko ngoko manners manners Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral associate manners manners inggil ngoko inggil manners
manners andhap andhap manners manners inggil manners andhap It appears that the lexicon manners inggil and / or manners andhap always
appear in ngko Alus, simple manners, and manners Alus. Speech level Java
language consists only of two kinds of shapes and forms ngoko Krama (Sri
satriya Tjatur Wicaksana, 2007: 129). Ngoko shape innocent and ngoko Alus
actually only a wide variance in ngoko. Similarly, among the innocent manners
and etiquette Alus also just a variant variety of manners. Ngoko shape and
ngoko Alus innocent and naive manners and etiquette Alus, is different in
ethics but did not differ EMIC. EMIC different only between forms and shapes
ngoko manners. In summary it can be said that the level of speech or
upload-ungguh Java language in EMIC consists of ngoko and manners, speech level
ethically or upload-ungguh Java language support consists of ngoko innocent and
ngoko Alus; Alus innocent manners and etiquette. In ethics, ngoko innocent and
ngoko Alus are different, but different because EMIC not just a variant.
Similarly, innocent manners and etiquette Alus also differed only ethical, but
did not differ amik. In EMIC innocent manners and etiquette Alus just a
9. Components Speech / Speaking
A communication between the one
with others of different linguistic forms, according to Dell Hymes (1972) in
Abdul Chaer (2004: 48) says that an event must meet the eight components are
(a) Setting and Scene, (b) Participants, (c ) Ends, (d) Act sequences, (e) Key,
(f) Instrumentalities, (g) Norm of interpretation, (h) Genres.
a. Setting and scene
Setting regarding the time and
place of said premises took place, while referring to the background scene
psikolagis talks. Time, place and circumstances of different speech may lead to
the use of different variations. In this study took place in the village
Shahadah Darusy ponpes Kedunglengkong, Simo, Boyolali.
b. Participants (participants)
Participants are parties involved
in petuturan, can the speaker to the listener, penyapa with pesapa, or the
sender and the recipient (the message). In this study, the parties involved are
students (students) with students, students with Ustad (teacher), and students
with researchers or others.
c. Ends (destination)
Ends, refer to the intent and
purpose of the hearer. Said events in classroom intends to deliver material or
knowledge with the aim that students master the material.
d. Act sequences (number one spot follow)
Act sequence refers to the form
and content of the speech utterance. This form of speech with regard to the
words used, how pengunaanya, and the relationship between what is said by the
subject. Talks on teaching and learning situation is different from the
situation at the time of exercise.
e. Key (key)
Key, referring to the tone,
manner and spirit in which a message is delivered: happy, seriously, briefly,
the arrogant and the like. It can be also indicated by gestures and cues.
f. Instrumentalities (tool)
Instrumentalist, referring to the
language used pathways, such as the oral pathway, written by mail or SMS. It
also refers to the speech code is used, such as language, dialect, and registers.
In this study the more dominant spoken language used in everyday communication.
g. Norm of interpretation (norm interpretation)
Norm of interpretation, referring
to the norms or rules of interaction. For example, which relates to the way
berinterupsi, ask, and so on. Also refers to the norms of interpretation of the
utterance of the speaker.
h. Genre (kind of)
Genre, refers to the type of form
submission, such as narrative, poetry, proverbs, prayers, and the like.
10. Boarding
Boarding is a
multi-purpose institution, in the sense that in addition to boarding school
serves as an educational institution and as an Islamic religious instruction,
it also serves as a public educational institutions, social institutions,
political and cultural institutions. As religious organizations, the boarding
school is a center of education, coaching, assessment and development
ajaarn-the teachings of Islam, and as a place for print and boil cadres of
Islamic scholars. History also proves boarding role in opposing penetration and
colonial domination in the field of socio-cultural politics, economics and
religion (Ahmad Yunus, 1995). Besides As religious educational
institutions, boarding school today also serves as a public educational
institution. Modernization according to skill and mastery of science and
technology. In line with that, then the students are not only required to
master and explore the religious sciences, but also required for the skills and
mastery of science and technology. Therefore, nowadays many boarding school as
well. Organizes public education and elementary school level hinga college. The
other side of a boarding institution is a model of interaction and
communication of people from backgrounds different cultures.
Ponpes Darusy
Shahadah is one boarding school in Boyolali region. The boarding school was
established by the foundation Yasmin Surakarta. Ponpes Darusy Shahadah consists
of two regions, namely Ponpes Darusy Shahadah Son Gunungmadu located at Hamlet,
Village Kedunglengkong, District Simo, Boyolali, Java Tenggah and Ponpes Darusy
Shahadah Princess Kauman perlokasi in Hamlet, Village Blagung, District Simo,
Ponpes consists of lembaha Ponpes high school education and post-high school or
PerguruanTinggi. Among the high school level is equivalent to a high school
Mu'allimin kuliyatul for Pupils Male, Kulliyatul Mu'allimat or High School for
Women Students. Being equivalent to the College is Takhosshus I'dadud Du'at
remedy that post-high school students and Takhosshuas I'dadaud Son Da'iyat ie for
post-high school female students.
One of the regular program run by the PDS is Ta'lim activity, activity is
pengapdian students on surrounding communities. The study groups were learning
activities and Tausiah landfill. Landfill began at four in the afternoon until
magrip, continued prayers and tausiah. These activities are conducted every
Tuesday and Friday, but if the first menggu Friday filed Thursday. Scope region
during informal activities simo almost all districts, which are spread in the
mosques and prayer.
A. Types of Research
Qualitative descriptive research, that research that attempts to
describe the data language. In general, qualitative method is a method of study
or research methods to a problem that is not designed or designed using
statistical procedures (Edi Subroto, 1992: 5).
B. Location Research
In accordance with the state of the situation kebahsaan then take some
study sites in Ponpes Darusy Shahadah and partially in place Ta'lim (mosques
around Simo subdistrict, district Boyolali, Java Tenggah). the location was
chosen as the study site because the site is a place where students can freely
communicate with the public, so much happens in the possible use of language is
more than one, especially the Java language into the language of data that is
more in priority in this study.
C. Data
The data in this study oral form of data. Oral data as the main data to be
studied. The data of all the languages spoken in the form of linguistic
activity containing code switching, mixed code, and interference. The data is
the data verbal linguistic community living in speakers that will be examined
are students Ponpes DS. The data of all the languages spoken in the form of
linguistic activity containing code switching, mixed code, and interference.
These data form the linguistic phenomenon in all its aspects from the speakers
of the language users to be studied in a reasonable and natural, without
artificial means.
D. Sources of Data
Oral data source in qualitative research in the form of verbal utterances
from the informant was chosen as the language of communication Users Ponpes DS.
The informant criteria: (1) Students Ponpes DS still living in the boarding
school, (2) the Java language speakers, (3) has said that a good tool, (have
sufficient time to be interviewed, (4) willing to provide linguistic
information in honest. The right information will be obtained the data: (1)
natural, that the language used is not modified / created suddenly, but already
there in public life, (2) verbal, its presence is an element that is presented
in the form of sound, (3) normal, means the language normally its presence both
in use and psychiatric user and so perfect kemaknaanya, (4) a reasonable, fair
use means the use of the situation by the speakers.
E. Population
Population is the whole object of research. The population in
general, is the whole people of certain aspects of the language (Subroto, 1992:
32). The population in this study is the overall user language by students
Ponpres Darussy Shahadah especially with the use of language in society
containing code switching, mixed code, and interference.
F. Samples
Samples were part of the population as research object directly, which
represents or is considered representative of the population as a whole
(Subroto, 1992: 32). This research sample speakers in Ponpes Darusy Shahadah.
The sampling technique appropriate to the problem and research objectives.
Purposive sampling technique, which is taking a selective and really meet the
interests and objectives of the study based on existing data (D. Edi Subroto,
1985: 28). The study took samples in scope ponpes DS. Ponpes scope that would
in other anrata carefully.
1. Scope of students KMI and TID
2. Type of activities to take samples of students in activities Ta'lim in
official situations, relaxed, and intimate.
G. Research Tools
Research tool, there are two kinds, namely the main
tool and tools. The main tool that the researchers themselves, researchers in
qualitative research with the help of others is the main data collection tool.
(Fatimah Djajasudarma, 1993: 11). Aids, recording devices (MP3, or walkman),
stationery (paper, pens, pencils, a computer), and other tools that support
H. Method of Presentation of Data
Methods refer to the use of language students listened Ponpes DS. basic
using the tapping technique, which gets the data by tapping the use of the
Advanced techniques: (1) Mechanical Listen involved Proficient, researchers
directly involved in data collection, that researchers involved with the
hearer. (2) Technical Non involved Proficient, meaning data retrieval without
involving lagsung research to engage in conversation. Researchers only as an
observer who is outside the talks. (3) Engineering Record, this technique can
be openly known that recording by the recorder and recording tertup is unknown
by the informant to obtain reasonable data. (4) Technical note, Besides recording
is recording data in the estimate needs attention or special information, such
as the time and place of the speech act, pentutu identity, situation, speech,
and said purpose. Techniques used to document the data record of the interview
/ observation (Sudaryanto, 1993: 133-116). To obtain the data in order to
support a more complete data obtained by adding Engineering Library, which is
meant here is the use of written sources for the data meperoleh. Sumbe-written
sources used are selected that reflect the language use singkronis (Edi
Subroto, 1992: 42).
I. Method of Data Analysis
This research method,
distributional and unified method for analyzing the data. Distributional method
for the formulation of the problem first, for the second and third problem
formulation using a unified method.
Distributional method
Distributional method is a method
that analyzes a certain lingual unit is based on the behavior or the behavior
of the language, the unit in relation to the other units. Distributional method
is used to analyze the shape and range of the Java language that is used in
Ponpes DS. The method terurat above techniques: dust smallest element,
explained the elements directly, opposition minimal pairs, the opposition of
two-two, replacement or substitution, expansion, release (Delisi), insertion or
interruption, the inverted order (permutation), and parafrasis (D.Edi Subroto,
1992: 84).
The basic technique used is the technique explained directly to parse an
element of construction specific morphology or syntax directly into the
elements, based on the intuition that is supported by a marker of birth
(intonation) so as to determine the direct elements of a construction.
Replacement or substitution
techniques embodied in the likely replaced the lingual or certain elements of
the construction of certain morphological or fraseologis by other lingual unit,
Unit lingual or replace each element was included in the same structural class.
The function of this dressing technique to determine levels of similarity classes
or categories of elements replaced with a substitute element, especially when
the level is equal to the level substitute replaced (Sudaryanto, 1993: 48).
Application of this analysis can be described in the following speech:
Well niki penguruse nembe mboten wonten.Ø Ngeten mawon, mangkeh sonten mase Grandma loose, can come here again. His
house where mas? (Data / Ponpes DS / 06/12/1008)
Wow this new pengurunya no. Tell you what, later in the afternoon when masnya
loose, can come here again. His house where mas?
In the above data, speakers pronounce the sentence but if diuraikana will look
as follows.
1a. Well niki penguruse nembe
mboten wonten.
1b. Ngeten mawon, mangkeh sonten
mase Grandma loose, can come here again.
1c .. His house where mas?
From these
utterances contain standard variety seen in the use of the words uttered by
speakers such as Niki, nembe, mboten, wonten, ngeten mawon, mangkeh, sonten. In
the case of the use of language speakers use casual language diversity, can be
seen from the situation of dialogue with strangers.
The events of the sentence mixed code. Mixed event code seen in the words can
come here again. Equivalent word can come here again in the Java language
support is Saget mriki Maleh. Occurred over the code of the original using the
Java language using the Indonesian events over the code looks after tercadi
mixed code of speech Ngeten mawon, mangkeh sonten mase Grandma loose, can come
here again. then asked the Indonesian His house where mas? Lata rear speakers
to the hearer is living, making it possible that speakers of another language
use in the sentence.
2. Matching Method
Matching method or methods of
Identity is a method for determining the identity of a particular lingual unit
using determinants that are beyond the means of language in the form of social
context in the event penguanaan language in society, telepas of language, and
not be bagia of the languages concerned. Method match
with referential techniques by means of determining the referents language
(everything that is beyond language), the determination of lingual units with
objects based on common convention in the community. Traditional techniques
with other determinants of language, written language otografis technique
(orthographic). Mechanical means of determining interlocutors, including
statements appear in the command line. Sentence command is that when certain
actions otherwise cause a reaction in the listener (D. Edi Subroto, 1992:
55-60) Of the above methods can be listed as the following example:
A: "Assalamu.
B: 'Wa'alaikum salam'.
'Wa'alaikum greetings.'
A: 'Mas nyuwun're watching, living room ingkang purse?'
'Mas want to ask, where the living room?'
B: 'The living room niku, ingkang corner. There needs to be what mas? '
'The living room, the corner. There needs to be what mas? '
A: 'Niki badhe pados information. Wonten brochure mboten? '
'It would look for information. No brochure is not? '
B: 'Well niki penguruse nembe
mboten wonten. Ngeten mawon, mangkeh sonten mase Grandma loose, can come here again. His house where mas? '
'Well this new pengurunya
no. Tell you what, later in the afternoon when masnya loose, can come here again. His
house where mas? '\
A: 'I am home Canden. Fine thanks. '
'I'm home Canden, Fine thanks.'
B: 'Yes equally.'
'Yes, you are welcome.'
A: "Assalamu.
B: 'Wa'alaikum greetings.'
'Wa'alaikum greetings.' Data / Ponpes DS / 06/12/2008
The data was taken on December 6, 2008 in a relaxed situation. From these data
using manners language, Indonesian and Arabic. Lexicon ngeten 'like this',
mawon 'alone', Mangke 'later', sonten 'sore'merupakan leksikan manners, being
on the word' living room niku, ingkang corner. There needs to be what mas? 'Is
a code switching, because the hearer change the language so original selanjunya
Java language using Indonesian. There interference from Arabic 'Wa'alaikum
greetings', then the Java language 'living room niku, ingkang corner'. Of
Indonesian 'Yes equally', into Arabic 'Wa'alaikum greetings'. Function is the
use of the Java language in the speech as a tribute, as addressees and hearer
not know. Factors behind the use of code, and the code interference is
interference situation.
3. Presentation of Results Analysis Methods
Presentation method of analysis
in this study, using an informal presentation. That is formulated on the
analysis with tangible form sentences describing ordinary. (Sudaryanto, 1993:
145). Informal techniques to describe their various languages and forms. The
results of data analysis in the form of linguistic rules relating to the
formulation of the problem as well as the use of data with the Java language by
students in Ponpes DS, dehingga can facilitate the understanding of the research
results obtained.